Motor City Madness: Ugly Economic Truths Finally Caught Up With Detroit

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry — the same TV commentator who said Americans need to stop raising kids as if they belong to individual families — had an extraordinary explanation for why the city of Detroit sought to declare bankruptcy: not enough government.

“This is what it looks like when government is small enough to drown in your bathtub, and it is not a pretty picture.” She says budget-cutting Republicans threaten to transform all of the United States into Detroit.

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While the cause of Detroit's economic implosion might seem obvious to those of us that live in what Rush Limbaugh refers to as "realville", you can count on radicals like Perry to find a way to deflect the blame and miraculously manage to somehow twist reality into a world where it is actually all the fault of Republicans.

This is what liberals do, deflecting blame is a critical tactic in their constant attacks on their enemies. So, Detroit is bankrupt and it is all the fault of the evil Republicans and their small government policies. They never let facts get in the way of their arguments. And it is never, ever their fault.
