Michelle Obama's $500,000 Shopping Trip: Huge Taxpayer Bill for First Lady's Spanish Beach Getaway Revealed

What is it? Are the Obama's just plain stupid? I don't think so. Are they so arrogant that they think they can so thoroughly abuse the privilege of the Presidency? Maybe. Or do they know something that we don't about this year's election?

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We know they have the media covering for them, so can get away with just about anything. We also know that millions of uninformed voters have absolutely no clue what is happening at any given moment. These same voters are the people the Obama's are counting on to turn out for his re-election.

It's a fairly simple calculation then, those of us paying attention won't be voting for him anyway, so who cares if the alternative media plasters the internet with this stuff 24/7? The Obama's don't, as is evident by the continued financial abuses of their actions. From the countless vacations to Obama's endless campaign trips, all at our expense.

We have never in American history witnessed such an abuse of power as the uninformed electorate has delivered to us this last 4 years. I think the Obama's know it, don't care, and plan to rally these same useful idiots come November to assure they get 4 more years.

I hope I am wrong.
