Dow Drops 280 on News of Weak Job Growth

Yep, we are still in the thick of a deep recession. Anemic job growth, inflation, housing sector deflation, QE3 on the horizon, $14.3 trillion national debt and climbing, and an unemployment rate at or above 9.0% - higher if you look at the real numbers. There should be no surprises here.

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Unfortunately the liberal media is hard at work ignoring reality and doing their best to convince America that things are not as bad as they are. With things this bad under a Republican President we would be hearing the shrillness of the radicals on a daily basis.

Remember how ugly it was when the unemployment rate was hovering around 5% and the media was screaming daily about the low quality, low paying jobs? They were actually diminishing the reality of how good it was, twisting it any way they could to a negative to convince unsuspecting Americans that George Bush was doing a terrible job, that we were actually worse of than we thought, and that the only way to fix the terrible state of affairs was to elect a radical liberal Democrat. Where are these loudmouth knuckleheads now? Oh ya, that's right, lining up to kiss the behind of the nearest radical Democrat they can find and keeping their mouths shut while our economy crashes into oblivion.

The media is doing everything they can to prop this failed administration up until 2012. They are in a win-win situation here. If Obama gets re-elected they will have the Republican controlled Congress to blame for everything that is going to go wrong when the wheels finally come off of this disastrous train wreck they are engineering. If a Republican gets elected President, they can begin bashing him/her and blame everything on them for the disastrous train wreck that the radicals are engineering right now, paving the way for the next radical Democrat to begin the maddening cycle all over again. Isn't this fun!

Only when more Americans wake up to the misleading shenanigans of the complicit media will we even begin to have a chance to deal with REALITY, right here, right now, every day. Until then we have to deal with the horribly uninformed and easily mislead as they blindly swallow up the endless dribble our media churns out each day. Continuing the cycle of madness we are forced to witness each day.
